C2 Short exchange of students in Norway
“We got to learn about extremism and migration. We had a lecture from the mother of one of the victims of the 22nd of July attack. We got to ask questions and learn from a mother`s perspective. In Bergen went to a museum called “Det Hanseatiske museum og Schøtstuene”. In Norway, we went to Voss and learned about the migration of the people in Voss.”
“The first day started out with presentations introducing us to Norway, its culture and traditions. After that we had a quite speedy walk to the shore, where we attempted to catch the ferryboat, which was in the end successful. The ferryboat took us to Bergen, where we had quite a pleasant walk in the city center that took us to Bryggen, where our guided tour began. We learned a lot about the Hanseatic League and enjoyed the beautiful sights of the historical buildings. The next we went on a trip to Asos to learn about its history and migration. After that we went to see a beautiful waterfall, where we were able to rest for a bit or take some pictures. The final day we went to the nearby town of Herdla, where we experienced a tour of a museum close to a WW2 hideout. Through all this we had some amazing time with our families and newly-made friends. We are very grateful for this experience and the lifelong memories we made during this time.”
C3 Short exchange of students SPAIN
“In Spain. We got a lecture about the civil war. We went to see a cemetery in Paterna. This was really different from the cemeteries we have in Norway. In Valencia we visited a castle and worked with some question about migration and extremism. We asked the local people about the questions to compare the answers.”
“In Spain did a lot of interesting things. The most memorable was our visit to a graveyard where they were digging up remains of victims of war. We also got visited by some lecturers who taught us about the Spanish civil war.”
C4 Short students exchange Stadthagen,Germany
“We were picked up by Mrs. Heike Zadim, teacher of a local Stadthagen school. We are really thankful that we could stay at her place. First day was full of activities. It was all about meeting our friends from ERASMUS+ project.
The students from ITALY - Siria presented her dramatic speech, which was great.
The Second day. After great breakfast from Mrs. Zadim, we visited the city of Hannover. City of a size of our capital Bratislava was full of shopping centers and stores. Last day we went to German Emigration Center Bremerhaven, afterwards we travelled to Kleiner Preuße lighthouse in Wremen. The whole trip ended with the final grill party full of food and 17 hour train ride back.”
Siria and her dramatic speech
“At the school we got to interview people with an immigration background. We were split into multiple groups and asked different people about their experience. We also visited the German emigration center in Bremerhaven. The museum was really fun. We got a person each and followed this specific person`s journey from emigrating and immigrating. We also went on a guided tour in Hannover. We got to visis different historical places like Marktkirche and the old city. We also visited the city hall in Hannover. There, we could see how the city was before the 2 nd world war and after the war. Another thing we did was going around the Stadthagen and learning about their history.”
“We arrived in the beautiful airport of Marco Polo in Venice, our italian friends picked upright after we landed and we went on a small journey to a fascinating little town called Dolo. In Dolo, we were greeted by Nicolo’s family and had a great night in our new bedrooms, where we would spend the entirety of our trip in Italy. After a good night sleep we travelled to Nicolo’s school Liceo Galileo Galilei. They presented us a lot of wonderful presentations about the history of Venice and Galileo himself, after some presentations we had a small break where we explored Nicolo’s school and his classmates.
We’ve met with the other students in front of the school. With a bus full as a shop during a black Friday, we arrived in Venice. With the beauty of Venice’s canals around us, our tour of Venice’s history and the jew ghetto started. After a long trip we arrived back home in Dolo, where our family prepared a dinner for us.
On our last day in Italy, we travelled to the oldest university in the world, in Padua.”
“We got to visit a jewish ghetto. We learned that the jewish people got isolated from the others and tortured in these kind of ghettos. We also visited museums and an old university. We learned a lot about the art and the culture of the Italians.”
C5 Short exchange of students Italy 2023
“The trip to Slovakia was my second trip in the Erasmus project, since I was already in Italy. I was really looking forward to this last trip because I could see the others from the other countries again. The first day we spent at school with many presentations from professors or classmates, after the presentations were done we were guided around the city by our classmates, after we were done with that we had our free time. We had a chance to play bowling and then eat a burger in the restaurant. On the second day we went to the capital Bratislava, where we had a very interesting guided tour, where we were told a lot about the history of Bratislava, after that we went to eat again, this was really delicious. On the last day we went to a synagogue, which we only saw from the outside on the first day, when our Slovak classmates showed us around the city. I am very happy that I could participate in this project, meet many new people from other countries and improve my English. It was also very nice to get to know other countries, so take your chances!”
“On the first full day of the visit from our partners, we arrived at the school in the morning. The maincoordinator and the headmaster their speeches and then the programme began. We played some ice breaking games, showed the foreign students our school and after these activities, the workshops started. We heard about the history of Levice region, migration in Slovakia and human rights. After the workshops, we enjoyed an international lunch and left the school to see the city. Our tour ended on the main square, where we split up for our free time activities.”
C6 Short exchange of students SLOVAKIA, 2023