Liceo Statale Galileo Galilei, Dolo
Galileo Galilei is a state-run ‘liceo’ located in the town of Dolo, on the famous Brenta Riviera, halfway between Venice and Padua, two widely-known historical cities, which can also boast two prestigious universities, which most of our students attend after they graduate from high school.
The small town of Dolo (15,000 inhabitants), therefore, enjoys a privileged location both for the rich artistic and historical heritage of the area and for the high-quality educational opportunities it offers.
Galileo Galilei is a ‘liceo’ with five different subject options based on five national curricula:
1. applied sciences
2. scientific subjects
3. sports & maths and physics
4. social studies
5. MFL (Modern Foreign Languages)
Each option points to its main subjects; in all courses all subjects are compulsory, except FOR R.E. The number of periods per subject per week may vary in the different options.
Currently, the school has 1260 students and about 5% of them have special needs and can count on a specialized team of support teachers and assistants.
Many extra-curricular activities are offered to the students, from acting classes to music and extra sports lessons. Students take also part in regional or national competitions of Maths, Physics, Science, Latin, and others.
Celebrations at our liceo
The current one is a special year for our liceo since its fiftieth anniversary is being celebrated. The liceo opened in fact as a branch of a bigger school located in Mestre-Venezia in the school year 1970-71 and then became independent. It started as a small school and has seen a constant growth in the number of students and of the teaching, administrative and caretaking staff.
An array of both virtual and face-to-face events have been organized in the past months to celebrate the anniversary.
Celebrations will conclude with a choir concert at the gymnasium of our school on 2 June 2021.
The project “Yes to Migration, No to Extremism”
The key people involved in the project are the Headmaster, two English teachers and the R.E. and History and Philosophy teachers of the three classes involved: 3B of the MFL option, 3G of the scientific option, and 3I of the social studies one.
We have decided to take part in the project to contribute to the internationalization of our school and create a network of relationships and links with other schools in the UE.
Moreover, we deem the project theme of great importance in these difficult times.
Finally, despite the pandemic and the enormous difficulties coming out of it, the students and the teachers, although unable to visit the partner schools, have been able to establish contacts and relate to each other, albeit virtually.